Supplementary Table Legends
Supplementary Table 1. Expression profiles of mouse transcription factor genes. The representative data is shown from two experiments with independent mRNA extractions. Gene names, their TRANSFAC and Refseq IDs, and sequences of forward and reverse primers are shown under the headings Gene name, Primer name, Refseq, Forward primer, and Reverse primer, respectively. Genes with more than 2 different primer pairs are marked under the column Red. The status of primer pairs is shown in the column Intron; 'Y' and 'N' indicate, respectively, the presence and absence of an intron sequence between the primer pair mapped on the mouse genome, and 'G' reveals that the corresponding genome sequence is not available. The Slope and Y-axis columns show constants derived from standard curves using genome DNA as a substrate. Expression profiles in 11 brain regions are shown by the Ct values, which are colored from pink (high expression) to blue (low expression) depending on the Ct number. (Smaller Ct number means higher expression.) The amplification properties are shown in the Notes column. We used amplification of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene in every 384-well assay plate as an endogenous control to monitor the quality of the data throughout the experiments. It is worth noting that the expression profiles derived from redundant primer pairs showed very similar results, with a high level of correlation (0.999, standard deviation 0.002), showing that most of the primer pairs amplified the target cDNAs properly and therefore the results were highly plausible.
Supplementary Table 2. A list of identified region-specific genes. Ct values of genes in the 11 brain regions, and their deviation scores, are shown. The Ave. column shows the average Ct values in the 11 brain regions, and the ΔCt column shows the difference between the Ct of the target region and the average Ct. Variance of the deviation score is shown in the Variance column.